Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Giving someone the gift of you

Decisions in life are hard, as are lessons. Can we try to make choices based solely on these lessons? If there are two paths before you, which one do you take? Uncertainty? Least resistance? There are only two folks in this life who will tell. Time, and the Heart. For someone once said, "Most of the time, doing the right thing, isn't always the easiest thing." But honestly, to rebut myself a bit here, neither paths would be too "easy" per say. So I guess it will be a matter of, which one is less painful...that's the one I will wander down. And once again, only Time and the Heart will tell me. The Heart is screaming at me right now, I need to avoid my impulsive nature and allow Time to concur. That right there, isn't the "easiest" thing to do. So I am to assume that it's the right thing to do. Who says when Time and the Heart will finally agree? That my friends would be Fear. Once that element is traumpt by whatever time-line and deep rooted feelings come of this, I will know. Until then, I think I am going to be giving someone the gift of me. That someone is going to get a person who has learned life's lessons, been dealt bad hands and is still standing. A better person today for all that has happened.

Decisions in life are hard, and so is Chuck Norris's Beard.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Passion of the CRIPES!

Well golly-gee--willikers...not much changed here. Trudging through another week of volcanic hell and anxiously awaiting the weekend. When will it not be enough? I cannot say. Let's play make believe for moment shall we? Say things go fa-bu-lous for quite a while. Then what? Ah yes...well, I wouldn't say I that would cross that bridge when I get there, but I would certainly build it. If anyone hasn't figured it out by now, I am referring to the angel that for some reason I am privileged enough to have been sent, that is on "my" mypace. Oh bloody distance, curse your wicked scorn.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Love, in love and feelings.

I have placed a lot of thought into the question we all ask. "What is love anyways?" I have come to the following conclusions although quite short and sweet.

Love is something that we feel instinctively from birth. It is a feeling of security, reassurance, stability, respect and serves as a boost to our over-all feeling of self worth. As well, in means that you care about what happens to someone you "love." "In Love" is a term used mostly at the onset of a relationship. It describes feelings of passion, joy, emotion and fulfillment of ones needs completely. This does not however mean that there is "Love" to be found anywhere close by. This feeling is temporary in many cases. And lastly, simply having "Feelings" for someone is a term most often used in place of "In Love." It's a way to side-step using the term "In Love" and is most likely more of an accurate statement. This term describes the feeling one gets when they think of the other person getting harmed, leaving them or if they were to die. The outcome of those thoughts should be painful if one has "Feelings" for the other.

So, in conclusion I think that When you start with having feelings, move to being in love and over time move to love....you have done it right. However, if you cannot sustain all of the above, and one element fails.....it was not love at all. That still just leaves one question. . . when does one know when having feelings has turned into being head over heels in love? That is a gray area my friends I leave to someone else to answer.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Answer you seek......

There is someone out there who seeks an answer. Is it not funny that the question was found in a blog, and is now being answered in one? The answer you seek is simply, yes i do.

Lessons learned and time have proven effective tools in life. Not to mention blogs aye?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

You lose bigscreen!

So, for years I have had a thing for the bigscreen. Gone through many of them. Considered getting back with someone just to leave her and take a TV one time years ago. Even up to when my wife took the one we got together. So between indian givers, ex-wifes and bad luck, I can't seem to hold on to one. BUT, I got my own about 6 months ago!

However, I find now that I do not watch it much. In fact, I am now in a sitution where something else means more to me than the TV at this point. To this extent....the TV goes back on Monday. After all this time, the TV loses. . . but I don't. I think good things could come in time as a result of $$ saved and good judgement.

Sorry Munkies....for the random right spot of shit this post was....it is a blog you know.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

2006 you sly dog

At this point I need so badly to continue where this last weekned left off. I thought I could borrow my cousin's car but that is a no go. (I drive a pos until about June) Thought I was gonna have to shell out money I don't have and put myself in a bind....it means that much to me. I think we have both been through a lot and I wager to guess she thinks the same. I was sooo bummed but ready to do it. THEN, the mail man brought my federal returns today which will pay for the weekend no problem. Co-ink-y-dink? I think karma is trying to tell me something. I'm listenin' dear....I hear ya!

Monday, May 01, 2006

...and now back to my life, already in progress

..Interesting indeed. Kinda speechless about this last weekend. I find myself drawn to this person.....both intellectually and physically at the same time. Didn't really expect that one. In any event, I don't know what to do with this....should I take what 2006 and life are handing me? Am I jumping the gun here? I dunno..All I know is this morning when she left I was sad. And I mean bummed. Why? I will miss the time we spent this weekend, laughing, walking, talking, relating...uh-ahem. Sooooo, yeah..now what? Time and life will tell I suppose.

At least Al Gore took care of Man-Bear-Pig..one less worry in the world.

© 2007 Lynched Munkey