Thursday, June 19, 2003

The newest craze of kiddie toys out there!! Yes thats right, now available in the newarest coin machine near you..HOMIES!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Dads Are always easily amused....Happy Fathers Day!!

Monday, June 16, 2003

So, just an introduction. This is The friGG!!

And, this is Lynched Munkey

Rate Me!!

A couple of strange fellas....
So, our great President, Ol' "dubya" tried the newest trend in moto-transport technology (Segway) on June 12th of this year. Being a rep at the only store that sells the damn thing and knowong whats involved, it aroused my intrest some. You see, you must take a class to ride it for insurance reasons and judging by the images below, I hope ol' "Dubya" signed a waiver....

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

So, working graveyard for Ama**.com I get more calls than one would suspect. Domestic callers from CA, at 2:45am calling in with questions on the order they just made?! GODDAMN!! Put down the crack pipe and go to bed. I can't believe the amount of people who call me at all hours of the night!! They are really cranky too. shit...

Monday, June 09, 2003

So, I was in Wal*Mart Saturday (at no fault of my own) and happened into the electronics dept to grab a cable splitter and being the observant person I am I saw something quite amusing. There, in front of me was a 280+ lb man with a gross gut, beard and saggy ass britches.....holding a web cam reading the back of the box!! Now, my initial thought was "hey, put that back! You wont be able to lie anymore if you use that....they will know you are a fat pig of a man and not a hot super model!!" But then I thought....that would be mean.....maybe somewhere in Alabama there is a fat pig of a woman at Wal*Mart reading the back of another box at the very same time?!?! As a suggestion in the suggestion box I wrote.."I simply love your store. I like the fact I can come here and boost my selft-esteem in only mere seconds!! Thank you Wal*Mart!! P.S You should take out the McDonalds and replace it with a great big troth...Dees Pigs gots ta eat squeeeeeeeee!!!!....

© 2007 Lynched Munkey