Monday, March 31, 2003

Jules: Fuck, nigger, what did you do to his towel?
Vincent: I was dryin' my hands.
Jules: You're supposed to wash 'em first.
Vincent: You watched me wash 'em.
Jules: I watched you get 'em wet.
Vincent: I washed 'em. This shit's hard to get off. Maybe if I had Lava or something, I coulda done a better job.
Jules: I used the same fuckin' soap you did and when I got finished, the towel didn't look like no god-damn Maxi-Pad!!

Pulp Fiction

Sunday, March 30, 2003

So, I'm thinking that people in the "Media Spotlight" like actors, performing artists ect. should really keep thier general opinion to themselves. Don't get me wrong, we all have a right to our opinion, and thier opinions won't change how I look at them but for thier own financial well being they really should. For instance;The Dixie Chicks had made thier opinion on the war public and my god, they lost ALOT of listeners and fans. People writing reviews not on the music but on how they hate them. Who gives two shits what they think? They keep cranking out great records leave it at that...thats thier job. Don't be a dick and forget all about "Freedom of Speech." Thats right, all you fucking flag waving wacko's!! Did you forget about that one you selective bastards...Picking and choosing only what YOU think is right out of our great constitution. I love our constitution but watching it get raped saddens me. Please do us all a great favor and read it sometime.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

All Flag waving "freedom Fry" eatin fuckers read This Book!! Although some may take Moore's work as somewhat liberal and pick apart all the factual discepencies they may find, they fail to take notice of the cold, brutal harsh truth. Truth that this great land of "Liberty" is becoming a huge rip-off. In this land we are supposed to be free and think for ourselves and be who we are. But what we really are are a buncha scaredy cats just following the leader because you're all affraid the guy next to you is going to pound you if you don't!! If you REALLY look at the U.S you would see that we are so close to communism as apposed to a Democracy, It's scary! Ask yourself this and see if you can answer it...Where does all the hate for the U.S come from in the world? Why do they hate us so? In these times I can say one thing for sure. I was born here, I like it here but if I had the money I would get the fuck out and fast. Maybe Australia? Who knows. Just so long a I was not stereo-typed as an Arogant, Ethnocentric, Flag Waving, Bully assed, utterly clueless.....American.
"White man dies he leave a Will, Brotha dies he leaves a Bill!"

Chris Rock, Down to Earth

Monday, March 24, 2003

So, My brother in law just professed to me that he had visited his work (a Ford Parts Dept.) after hours and had to shit. So instead of taking the time to go all the way to the other side to do so, he simply grabbed a cardboard box, squated and had at it. He later disposed of it in the dumpster next to his house that his neighbors use. NICE!

Tomarrow! In Stores! Meteora! Buy It!
So, we were poisoned!! Me and my fiance went to a Local Truck stop, (Jake's Truck Stop) and ate lunch like any ordinary person would. As we approached the register, I noticed a sign on the door that said "Freedom Fries Proudly Served With Any Sandwich." Later that night we were in the E.R puking with violent shit!
Mr. Madison, That was the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherant response did you say anything that could be considered a rashinal thought. Everyone in this room is dumber having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

Billy Madison
The point is, how do you know the Guarantee Fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy, but we're not buying it. Next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser and your daughter's knocked up, I seen it a hundred times.

Tommy Boy

Saturday, March 22, 2003

So....what the.....fuck it. We are all gonna die!!!

Friday, March 14, 2003

So, this is a guest book signing that someone recently made on my site.

Dis Wak Shit? You callin' Dis Wak Shit... Damn! J/k, your'e right a lot of dis shit is way wak! I'd ask ya what ya were thinkin, but I already know... cause I work with ya. Give me a minute, and I'll give ya my most honest opinion about your site... (grab a beer)... (a few decent sized gulps)... (pause)... (BUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP... burp.. burp)... Ahh yes... much better... Hmmmn... Here it goes... My honest opinion. This just seems like another purple headed - yogurt slinging - rasin balled - saggy ass - mystery stain on Martha Stewarts tampon type of site... But I still like it. Keep it up!

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Just an added thought...What's to become of "French Kissing"? Kinda hard to Kiss with a flag wrapped so tightly around your face isn't it?
Here is some insightful information that I don't completely agree with, but is still entertaining enough. Click the Pic!!

This is in relation to a post on frigG! and below here...

Neal Rowland, the owner of Cubbie's, now only sells his fried potato strips as "freedom fries" -- a decision that comes as Americans watch French officials back away from support for possible war in Iraq.
"Because of Cubbie's support for our troops, we no longer serve french fries. We now serve freedom fries," says a sign in the restaurant's window.
Rowland said his intent is not to slight the French people, but to take a patriotic stance to show his support for the United States and the actions of President Bush.
"It's our way of showing our patriotic pride," he said, noting that his business has a lot of local military troops as customers.
Rowland said the switch from french fries to freedom fries came to mind after a conversation about World War I when anti-German sentiment prompted Americans to rename German foods like sauerkraut and hamburger to liberty cabbage and liberty steak.

Courtesy of CNN World News
So, with the war nearing in Iraq, there is a huge call for good ol' American hate these days. Get this! Ovreheard from a conversation...Since the French are not supporting a War in the east, Americans are now what you may call "Boycotting" the use of certain French terminology. A few example would be, calling Frech fries "Freedom Fries" and Frech toast "Liberty Toast!!" What is the SHIT!!?? I still claim that American's are if not the center of world hatred, definately not helping it. I for one cannot blame a County that hasn't been involved in Mlitary action scince the 1940's for not wanting anything to do with this madness. Good Fucking Christ!

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

This is just a salute to a Cartoon cancelled before it's time. Bless you you sick little bastards!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

So, I'm at work tonight and all of a great sudden, I had to CRAP! So off to the Mens room I go to have a seat for a while and oh my god!! If you live in a humid, damp climate you may relate to this.....You know how Pumpkins around Halloween time get kinda soft, moldy and stinky when you leave them out too long? Well that's what this shit smelled like...Rotten Pumpkin!! Even the courtesy flush wouldn't take that one down. SURPRISE to the next user of that stall....IGGAH!!!
So, I have been hearing alot about a recent addition to the Hip Hop scene, and here are my thoughts. Man oh man. What have we come to these days. As I listened to 50 Cent I could not help but notice that the tangled lyrical style is that of any modern day "Glam Rapper" out getting spins today!!! But now days it's being classifed as "Hip Hop." One of his Beats includes the lyric ...."pick up a big slut, I bust a FAT nut!" Come on now! We have hear all this "Bling Bling" repetative junk before. Just look at Nelly. I think this 50 Cent is going to "Die Trying." Because, in two years time we'll all be saying "Fiddy Who?"

Saturday, March 01, 2003

Linkin Park is dedicated to the music they make and the listeners who support them. Blending hardcore rock, hip-hop, and electronic music, Linkin Park has established a sound that is difficult to classify, but easy to identify. The LA-based band combines provoking rhymes and melodic vocals with neck-snapping beats, vicious guitar riffs, and dizzying scratches.
Formerly named Hybrid Theory, the band describes their music as "a constantly evolving experiment." "Our goal is to bring seemingly distant elements together," says emcee Mike Shinoda, describing Linkin Park?s sound and its fan base.

Since its inception in 1996, the band has attracted a diverse and dedicated following. Its grassroots fan base has grown rapidly, fueled by the efforts of hundreds of street teamers across the country, hardcore listeners committed to building Linkin Park. Friends since school, Linkin Park is Rob Bourdon (drums), Brad Delson (guitar), Joe Hahn (turntables), Mike Shinoda (vocals), and Chester Bennington (vocals).

Curtesy of Official Site
So, I grow even more angry at our president and Government everyday for having this HUGE Hard On to spread democracy world wide. "Oh Saddam Does not have Weapons Of Mass Destruction? Well, Lets just pummel thier way of life and make it a Democracy anyways!" Now there is even a Country song out that Completly makes us all look like birds!!! Leave it the the rednecks alright. Mr. Daryl Worley has a song called. "Have you Forgotten." In the song there are lines like..."Have you forgotten, how it felt that day, to see our homeland under fire, and our people blown away." Shit, this guy has no clue. He it talking about war with Iraq, and then talking about 9/11 and ALSO, "Have you forgotten, about our Penagon, all the love ones that were lost..." THERE WERE NONE LOST THERE!?! Man, I blame Hill Billy Republicans, and Extreme left Wingists for where we are today. So excuse the fuck out of me if I don't wrap the flag around my face, Squawk like a parrot, and shed a tear. Open your eyes people , look around this world today.... the end is nearing...and it's all your fault!!

© 2007 Lynched Munkey